Emulador Dolphin

Dolphin és un emulador per a les dues consoles recents de Nintendo: la GameCube i la Wii. Permet als jugadors de PC gaudir dels jocs d'aquestes consoles en full HD (1080p) amb diverses millores: compatibilitat amb tots els comandaments de PC, velocitat turbo, multijugador en xarxa, i encara més!

Descarregar Dolphin 2407 per a Windows, Mac i Linux »

Últims articles

Unlocked: RetroAchievements Come to Dolphin

Dolphin's users are always looking for new ways to play their favorite games. And when a project called "RetroAchievements" started gaining popularity for adding achievements into retro games, users started wondering if Dolphin would ever add support for the project. Unfortunately for them, Dolphin isn't a retro game emulator. We're a modern emulator that emulates two recent Nintendo consoles! RetroAchievements wouldn't make sense-

Ah shi-

RetroAchievements Dolphin Launch Announcement!

That's right, it's finally here. RetroAchievements integration has come …

Llegir aquest article

Dolphin Releases Announcement

On the 24th of June, 2016, Dolphin 5.0 was released. The product of a long and hard transition period, the fundamental inaccuracies that plagued Dolphin for over a decade had successfully been undone, and Dolphin was now free of its burdens to swim forward into a new era of accuracy and performance.

Eight years have passed since that great release, and we have seen the dividends of that effort time and …

Llegir aquest article

Dolphin Progress Report Tenth Anniversary Special: February, March, and April 2024

In late 2012, Dolphin moved to a brand new website - dolphin-emu.org. With complete control of our own home and infrastructure for the first time, we noticed the accessibility to users that it gave us. Not only did we get a new home, but we also got a platform, one that allowed us to communicate directly to our users! We used it to great effect, explaining big changes to the emulator such as tev_fixes_new, getting ahead of controversy when we removed the popular D3D9 graphics backend, calling …

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