5.0-16481 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Added double click to add expressions when mapping (PR #10687 de Sage-King)
5.0-16479 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos GameDB: Adjusted graphic settings for PSO EP1&2 and PSO EP3 (PR #10675 de nolrinale)
5.0-16477 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos MainSettings: Make MAIN_CUSTOM_RTC_VALUE default value less magical (PR #10684 de Pokechu22)
5.0-16475 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Android: Fix game card in landscape (PR #10667 de t895)
5.0-16473 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos DolphinQt: Add com.apple.security.cs.allow-dyld-environment-variables to entitlements (PR #10674 de OatmealDome)
5.0-16471 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos DSPInterpreter: Fix typo in isOverflow comment (PR #10680 de Pokechu22)
5.0-16469 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Remove printf-style logging (PR #10677 de Pokechu22)
5.0-16461 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Show panic alerts if the CP configuration doesn't match the XF configuration (PR #10672 de Pokechu22)
5.0-16456 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Fix antialiasing modes being determined from the wrong graphics adapter (PR #10669 de Pokechu22)
5.0-16453 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos readme: update VS and windows min version requirements (PR #10670 de shuffle2)
5.0-16450 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos AX: refactor buffer initialization (PR #10661 de Tilka)
5.0-16448 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos DolphinQt: Fix the panic alert deadlock, dual core edition (PR #8763 de JosJuice)
5.0-16445 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Add tested DSP bootloading transfer size to docs (PR #10662 de xperia64)
5.0-16443 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos ProcessorInterface: Implement PI_FIFO_RESET (PR #10454 de Pokechu22)
5.0-16441 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos update fmt and fix warnings that popped up with vs 17.2 (PR #10652 de shuffle2)
5.0-16434 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos AX: handle DPL2 mixer control in old GameCube titles (PR #10656 de Tilka)
5.0-16431 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos BuildMacOSUniversalBinary: Place the Qt path on CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (PR #10658 de OatmealDome)
5.0-16429 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos AX: fix missing ramp of main surround channel (PR #10643 de Tilka)
5.0-16426 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Qt/MemoryViewWidget: Fix resizing. (PR #10650 de AdmiralCurtiss)
5.0-16424 Fa 1 any, 11 mesos Android: Upgrade dependencies (PR #10651 de t895)