5.0-17670 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos Support for loading vWii System Menu (PR #11188 de GaryOderNichts)
5.0-17667 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos JitArm64: Merge ps_mulsX, ps_maddXX, and parts of fp_arith (PR #11147 de JosJuice)
5.0-17664 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos Jit64: Add dispatcher_no_timing_check jump target (PR #11170 de JosJuice)
5.0-17662 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos WiimoteEmu: Shinkansen Tweaks (PR #11190 de jordan-woyak)
5.0-17659 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos JitArm64: FIFO optimization improvements (PR #10046 de JosJuice)
5.0-17656 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos InputCommon:QuartzKB&M: Use KVO to watch window position (PR #10979 de tellowkrinkle)
5.0-17652 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos MoltenVK: Update to version 1.2.0 (PR #11179 de OatmealDome)
5.0-17648 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos Kirby's Return to Dreamland "Bypass Metafortress" patch ported to PAL (PR #10853 de RedStoneMatt)
5.0-17646 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos JitAsm64: Reorder instructions in routines to allow macro-op fusion (PR #11127 de JosJuice)
5.0-17643 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos JitArm64: Reimplement Force25BitPrecision (PR #11181 de JosJuice)
5.0-17641 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos JitArm64: Remove unnecessary instruction from ConvertDoubleToSingle (PR #11148 de JosJuice)
5.0-17639 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos Arm64Emitter: Combine immh and immb for Emit(Scalar)ShiftImm (PR #11182 de JosJuice)
5.0-17637 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos GZLP01.ini – Update Cheatcode to Remove Distance Blur (PR #11175 de b3rru)
5.0-17635 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos Remove outdated SoulCalibur 2 ini. (PR #11156 de dvessel)
5.0-17633 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos GCAdapter: Code cleanups. (PR #11187 de jordan-woyak)
5.0-17631 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos IOS::HLE::Kernel::InitIPC: Replace s_ios check with Core::IsRunning (PR #11186 de GaryOderNichts)
5.0-17629 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos WinUpdater: Check OS and VC++ Redist versions (PR #11051 de shuffle2)
5.0-17627 Fa 1 any, 6 mesos VideoCommon: Increase uniform stream buffer size to 64mb (PR #10859 de tellowkrinkle)
5.0-17625 Fa 1 any, 7 mesos VideoCommon: fix uint shader compiler error when using d3d (PR #10836 de iwubcode)
5.0-17622 Fa 1 any, 7 mesos IOS: Simplify IOS::HLE::Device savestate method (PR #11177 de Lobsterzelda)